Sunday, April 25, 2010


Its hard to tell from this picutre, but these little flowers by my house: open in the morning, close in the evening, and track the sun through out the day

I went through a physical assessment with CJ today and it was extremely enlightening.  I do not want to say too much about it, as it was clearly an extremely complex (and I can tell, extremely useful) exercise in athlete evaluation (while still in the beta test mode).  You see, profiling and trends are a real part of the science of anything.  If I can measure X and Y in every top athlete, and measure Z and AA in every one who sucks, maybe I can learn something from X and Y, and Z and AA. 

That is all scientific and well and good and yada yada yada.  But the beauty is that by specifically identifying imbalance, deficiency, over compensation, it will allow for a certain amount of corrective action.  A little supplementation.  We can expose weakness and adjust.

In psychology, adjustment means the behavioural process of balancing conflicting needs, or needs against obstacles in the environment. Humans and animals regularly do this, for example, when they are stimulated by their physiological state to seek food, they eat (if possible) to reduce their hunger and thus adjust to the hunger stimulus. Adjustment disorder occurs when there is an inability to make a normal adjustment to some need or stress in the environment.

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