Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Best Buys

When size always matters, amongst other places


Q: guess which Mortar and Pestle cost more money?  Both are marble, both are made in China, both come with no warranty.  One came from a GloboStore (BBaB), one from a sick ass Asian market with super cheap prices for huge mortar and pestles. Which is which?  Is green better than grey?  What do y'all think?

A: The Green One. It was like $20!  I just saw and bought the giant grey one for $12 at some crappy Asian market on Santa Clara Street (it was a fine market, just not great).  I even told the owner that he should shop the eff around, but he was so geeked up on being cheaper than Albertsons!  "Bro, look at their coconut water!  Its like $0.30 more expensive!  Can you believe that Bro?"

"Yeah.  But this is like $15 too cheap, not like some silly drink."

"Bro! Its the same!  See what I mean?!"

"Um, yeah? Or, no?"

Hey Bro, thanks for the discounted Mortar and Pestle. 

Moral: Go to ethnic markets for esoteric shit like mortars and pestles.

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