Sunday, March 14, 2010

SoCal Sectionals Day 2

Colin and Jaala were back after it for the final WOD today.  Colin came in 14th after two events and Jaala was 9th but she had the bonus knowledge that she was for sure in the top 20, almost no matter what.  How, you ask?  Jaala is a BAMF.  The WODs were so hard yesterday that less than 20 woman finished them Rx'd.  Jaala was one of them.  All she needed to do was to complete the event today and she was on to Regionals.  Colin, on the other hand, had to fight to maintain his top 20 status.

Jaala is a bad ass mutha fucka

Event #3: Max Effort
3 minutes Row for max calories
Rest 3 minutes
3 minutes AMRAP Dead lift (275/185)
Rest 3 minutes
3 minutes accumulate as many seconds of L-sits* with 5 second minimum set
Rest 3 minutes
3 minutes AMRAP Over head squats (95/65)
Rest 3 minutes
Start 6 minute count down, 1 set AMRAP Pull ups (must start with in 5 seconds of start of count down)
When clock hits zero, run 800m

Score is rank in each of the six events, sum the rankings, lowest score wins.

*L-sits were not really L-sits (sorry WBHH).  Rather they were straight legged feet raises with hands on parallettes.  You counted feet together, knees locked, off the ground for this move, not above parallel.

These three events were so hard they crippled animals, I can't even imagine the monsters that will arise from the ashes of the competitors.

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