Saturday, August 8, 2009

Burger: Portobello and Zucchini

Take Grassfed Organic Ground Beef from Lassens and combine with black pepper, sauteed garlic and red onion, half of a beaten egg, and fresh minced cilantro. Form into patties, season. Cook to your liking. Meanwhile, saute portobello mushrooms and zucchini slices in oil with crushed red peppers. Place burger and hot veggies on a few pieces of red leaf lettuce. Top with tomatoes, onion, pickle (questionable), and homemade Paleo mayo.
Extra lean grass fed beef is hard to keep together for the flip of the burger, hence the added egg. Add bread crumbs for a non-paleo easier flip.

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmmm, these were SO good... feels like cheating but it's not!!
