Saturday, May 1, 2010

Party Aioli - Spicy Ginger Lemon Garlic Cilantro

I hope this as good on everything as I think it is.  This is designed for an unknown and unknowable party scene.  High chances of Paleo, though.

Oh, this was good!

Create this Aioli by combining the following in a blender:
  • 4 egg yolks (room temperature)
  • 2T rice wine vinegar
  • Juice of a 1/4 of a huge lemon
  • 2t dry ground mustard
  • A huge pinch of dried crushed red pepper
  • Salt and pepper to taste
Blend quickly at a x(max)^0.46 speed.  Add:
  • 2T Peeled ginger
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1/4 yellow onion
  • 2-4 sprigs cilantro
Emulsify with 1c extra light olive oil.

It was very well recieved.


  1. Legit. I will def use this recipe. Very Good.

  2. What if my blender doesn't have a 3.013288 setting?

  3. Seth, just use the setting pi(), it will be a little fast, but should still work.
