Monday, May 31, 2010

Asparagus Anchovy Soup

This one made me say "Wow" twice. It is, maybe, the best tasting thing I have ever made.

All right, you Paleo Gourmet Food loving mother effers, this one is an "All Timer". This is a signature dish on the first try. I might have to refine this and sell it to some restaurant. With that being said, I totally stole this idea from a now-defunked, bomb Santa Barbara restaurant called the Wine Cask. They weren't paleo (since they used half and half, creme fraiche) and they had caviar instead of anchovies, lemon creme fraiche instead of fresh lemon, zucchini instead of asparagus, and some other stuff different. I basically had something similar to this about 2 years ago and it was that memorable, and then I made it better, and this new version is amazing.
You have to do a little prep here. The prep:
Saute in about 3T of water for 8 minutes:
  • 1/2 of an onion
  • 1# of asparagus
  • 1T spicy olive oil

Then make Spicy Paleo Broth. Simmer:

  • 2c water
  • 3 bay leaves
  • 1t red pepper
  • 1t black pepper
  • 1/2t salt
  • 1t celery salt

Remove the bay leaves after 10 minutes or so.

Prep the anchovy thingy. Be careful with when you start this step. You want to crisp Saute:

  • 1/2t fresh ginger
  • 1/2t ground mustard
  • Black pepper
  • A couple of pinches of dried anchovy (picutred below)

These are actually rad
Saute for a little while. Add the anchovies last. Time this shit out too, dont start this too soon.

Okay, so what you want to do is take the cooked, still hot, asparagus and onion, add it to the blender, cover with paleo broth and blend for 90 seconds. Simmer again for 10+ minutes.

Okay, so now what you want to do is ladle a couple scoops into a bowl (small, portions must be small if you want this to rock people's worlds). Using tongs, carefully place 8 anchovies onto the soup. Drizzle a little ginger/anchovy oil. Squirt a little lemon juice on that shit.

Possibly the best ever. I couldn't even believe I came up with this. Wow (third time).


  1. Hey Brandon, my wife wants to know where you shop for all your ingredients.

  2. Good question. I'll write a quick post about it. Here is the basic run down.

    Seasonal fruits, veggies, herbs, random shit, ideas, meat, eggs, oils, etc - Farmer's Market. Lots of good stuff. I normally go to the one downtown, but Ojai's is legit.

    Vinegars, Dried herbs, Chickens, Pork, etc - Ralphs, Costco

    Nuts, Olive Oil, Alcohol, Coffee, Protein powder, Fish Oil - Costco

    Delivered fruits and veggies - Farmer Fresh to You

    Almond meal, coffee, wine, canned sardines, sparkling water - Trader Joes

  3. I've actually never had an anchovy in my life, but this looks like it's worth a try!
