Wednesday, August 11, 2010

If I Was Programming The Clash 2010

The Clash 2009 Final Event, Men's Heat

If I were programming The Clash 2010, my WODs would be:

WOD #1
One arm KB hang squat snatch (1.5p/1p)
Power Cleans (95#/65#)
C2B Pull Ups

WOD #2
5 Burpee Bar Up-and-overs (like the wall burpees at the Games, but over pull up bars)
3 Rounds
10 Dead Lift (295#/195#)
30 Unbroken WBs to 11'
200m run
5 Burpee Bar Up-and-overs

Thoughts? Strategy? Estimated winning times? I'm going to try these some day.

1 comment:

  1. I like these dude... Someday.

    Putting a time on that first one would be rough for me. Assuming the snatches could be either arm, my best guest for myself would be about 8-10 minutes.

    As for wod #2 Pretty confident that I could do this in under 10 minutes maybe sub 9. Not sure what the up and over is for the burpees though.
