Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Lemony Yellow Zucchini Soup

Yeah, the zucchini is yellow too

Again,, can't say enough good things about that company's flagship product.

Take five yellow zucchinis and cut stem and end off and cut into quarters. Cut an onion into eighths, and cut two carrots into halves. Simmer with bay leaves, a cup of water, a lot of olive oil, a restrained amount of red pepper, the juice of a whole lemon, salt, and pepper for 10+ minutes.

Blend on high for 4 minutes, adding olive oil as needed (imagine anticipating that need!).

Meanwhile, slowly heat extra virgin olive oil, about a T of anchovy paste, and three or four slices of lemon rind. Simmer that for as long as you can. I might actually advise to use a lot more lemon rind and to saute it till it is edible, slice and then serve it inside the soup.

Anyway, return soup to heat after blending for 10 minutes on simmer. Serve with oil drizzled over it. It is really good.

The drizzled oil makes it

1 comment:

  1. this is awesome since i have a ton of yellow zucchini that i don't know what to do with... =)
